Quiz: Are You Getting the Most Out of Your Will?

Although planning your will is a fairly straightforward process, it’s not just a matter of dollars and cents. It’s about leaving a meaningful legacy behind you, supporting a cause you believe in and making sure your last wishes are respected.

Do you know all of the options available to you to maximize your impact? Take this short quiz to put your knowledge about wills and charitable bequests to the test!

1. A will is a document that:
2. You can include a charity, or any other organization as beneficiaries in your will.
3. People who include a charity in their will are typically:
4. When you support a cause in your will, you are taking away from your ability to support your loved ones.
5. Leaving a donation in your will can reduce, or even eliminate the taxes paid by your estate.
6. Most Canadians are able to make a bigger contribution to their cause through their will. The average gift left in a will is:
7. It is recommended that you involve your family when making your will.
8. When you leave a gift to charity in your will, you don’t know it will be used.
9. It’s hard to change or amend your will once it has been finalized.
10. The following professionals can help you with your will:
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Interested in learning more about leaving a gift for Sainte-Justine in your will?

Feel free to reach out to Nathalie Gagnon, Director, Planned Giving and Legal Advisor, at 514-345-4931, ext. 6749, or ngagnon@fondationstejustine.org.