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The CHU Sainte-Justine Foundation Launches Grow Beyond, a Historic Fundraising Campaign in Quebec

2023-2028 Campaign Grow Beyond

The CHU Sainte-Justine Foundation launches Grow Beyond, the largest fundraising campaign ever undertaken by a single hospital in Quebec. Backed by a diverse and committed volunteer campaign cabinet, Grow Beyond aims to raise $500 million by 2028. These funds will allow the hospital to fundamentally and sustainably transform the life of every child by seizing current and future scientific opportunities. 

For over a century, the CHU Sainte-Justine has been supported by a dedicated community. The Foundation’s previous two major campaigns were crucial to the mother and child centre’s mission of excellence. Building on these philanthropic efforts, it has now set itself an even greater goal.  

“Children rarely do things in a small way,” said Delphine Brodeur, President and Chief Executive Officer of the CHU Sainte-Justine Foundation. “Youth’s pure hearts and curious minds know no bounds. Like them, the CHU Sainte-Justine Foundation sees beyond the impossible to redefine what’s possible. And like their parents, we have great ambitions for their future and that of our society. That’s why our mission is to change the course of their lives for good, no matter where they are across Quebec.” 

“In its 115-year history, the CHU Sainte-Justine has always had big hopes for children, mothers, and families in Quebec,” said Caroline Barbir, President and Chief Executive Officer of the CHU Sainte-Justine. “Today, more than ever, possibilities for personalized and unique care have multiplied tenfold thanks to rapid advances in science. Therein lies the strength of this great campaign. Caring for children from the moment they’re conceived is the best investment a society can make to ensure the health of present and future generations.” 

Science in service of pediatric health 

Advancements in medical science and technology have never had so much to contribute to human health. In particular, progress in genomics and artificial intelligence has paved the way for a host of new therapeutic approaches. These breakthroughs are revolutionizing the way we prevent and treat disease, and their impact is already being felt. But tapping into them means keeping pace and making colossal investments.  

The funds raised during Grow Beyond will be used to support four pillars: 

  • Develop new preventive and therapeutic approaches by tapping into the immense potential of precision health; 
  • Share Sainte-Justine’s expertise beyond its walls, via strong partnerships with experts and key actors in the community and across the entire health network, for the benefit of all children and families in Quebec and beyond; 
  • Transform patient care services and environments as part of a sustainable approach to healthcare, with a focus on prevention and maintaining lifelong physical, mental, and social wellbeing
  • Innovate by continually advancing the humanization and personalization of preventive and therapeutic approaches, because behind every disease is a child who must get the whole-person care and dignity each individual deserves.  

Since the start of the campaign’s silent phase, the Foundation has secured commitments for 50% of its fundraising goal. 

A campaign cabinet that grows beyond limits 

To achieve its ambitious goal, the CHU Sainte-Justine Foundation is relying on the impressive and varied experiences of its campaign cabinet, which consists of leaders from the business, arts, science, and sports communities, as well as distinguished and up-and-coming philanthropists. These exceptional members are all committed to joining forces to build a healthier future for Quebec’s children. 

Honourary Co-Presidents: 

Marie-Josée Coutu, President, Fondation Marcelle et Jean Coutu
Paul Desmarais III, Chairman and CEO, Sagard

Campaign Co-Chairs:  

Charles Brindamour, Chief Executive Officer, Intact Financial Corporation
Charles Emond, President and Chief Executive Officer, CDPQ
Laurent Ferreira, President and Chief Executive Officer, National Bank of Canada
Anne-Marie Hubert, O.C., C.Q., Managing Partner, Eastern Canada, EY Canada
Caroline Quach-Thanh, O.Q., MD, MSc, DSL h.c., FRCPC, FCAHS, Full Professor – Microbiology, Infectiology and Immunology and Pediatrics, Infection Control Officer, University of Montreal/CHU Sainte-Justine, Canada Research Chair in Infection Control

Official Campaign Spokesperson: 

Félix Auger-Aliassime, Professional tennis player

The public is invited to discover the full list of campaign cabinet members here. 

From left to right : Anne-Marie Hubert, Caroline Barbir, Charles Brindamour, Pierre Pomerleau, Paul Desmarais III, Marie-Josée Coutu, Delphine Brodeur, Caroline Quach-Thanh, Laurent Ferreira and Charles Emond, surrounded by children. Photo credit : Charles Mercier/OBOX.STUDIO.


Charles Brindamour:  

“To Grow Beyond is to be innovative and bold for our children. It means taking advantage of the latest technological advances to enter the era of precision medicine. To ensure we provide the right care and treatment, to the right patient, at the right time. But it also means anticipating, predicting, and, above all, preventing symptoms and clinical manifestations. The whole community, and first and foremost the business community, must mobilize to make these ambitions a reality and offer the best for our children’s future.” 

Charles Emond: 

Grow Beyond aims to provide access across Quebec to the CHU Sainte-Justine’s cutting-edge care, to avoid prolonged hospitalization, and to keep children and their families in their home environment as much as possible. The strength of this major campaign lies in the collaborations that will propel the expertise of the CHU Sainte-Justine beyond its walls to reach out to communities.” 

Laurent Ferreira:  

“I’m delighted to join my fellow co-chairs in supporting this historic fundraising campaign for Sainte-Justine. Together, we’re going to Grow Beyond and offer the very best in pediatric health care to the children and families across Quebec who rely on Sainte-Justine’s services.” 

Anne-Marie Hubert: 

“At the CHU Sainte-Justine, patients and their families are considered key players in the continuum of care. Much more than passive recipients, they’re true allies. For the care teams, growing beyond is about having the means to get as close as possible to the patient and family’s hospital experience, and then adapting care to their reality.” 

Caroline Quach-Thanh:  

“Everything to do with pediatrics is unique and needs to be viewed with a broad vision, from pre-conception onwards. Children deserve a dedicated place of care. When they’re sick, they deserve treatment, as well as our every effort to prevent and predict the onset of illnesses, physical or mental, that could limit their immediate and future development. That’s what sets the Grow Beyond campaign apart, and why it has the ambition to transform society.”   

Source : The CHU Sainte-Justine Foundation

Media contact : Pauline Lazarus, 

About the CHU Sainte-Justine Foundation
The CHU Sainte-Justine Foundation mobilizes communities in support of the excellence and innovation that are the hallmarks of Sainte-Justine. The Foundation strives to inspire and motivate donors to help transform pediatric medicine and improve the lives of children and their family. One gift at a time, the Foundation empowers Sainte-Justine to drive change and build a better tomorrow for all. Please visit to learn more.

About CHU Sainte-Justine
The Sainte-Justine University Hospital Centre (CHU Sainte-Justine) is the largest mother-child centre in Canada and the second largest pediatric hospital in North America. A member of the Université de Montréal extended network of excellence in health (RUIS), Sainte-Justine has 5,457 employees, including 1,532 nurses and nursing assistants; 1,000 other healthcare professionals; 520 physicians, dentists and pharmacists; 822 residents; and more than 204 researchers, 41 volunteers and 4,416 interns and students in a wide range of disciplines. Sainte-Justine has 484 beds, including 67 at the Centre de réadaptation Marie Enfant, the only exclusively pediatric rehabilitation centre in Québec. The World Health Organization has recognized CHU Sainte-Justine as a “health promoting hospital.” To learn more, please visit
