Going the Extra Mile for Children Like Shirine and Siham
750 and 880 grams: that’s what twin preemies Shirine and Siham weighed when they came into the world at only 26 weeks. Today, more than a year later, they’re the picture of health and have a bright future ahead of them, thanks to the excellent care they have received at Sainte-Justine.
“When you donate shares, you’re investing in children’s future”
After his daughter’s hospitalization, Francis made a promise to give back Sainte-Justine. That’s when he found out about donating publicly traded securities, an option that lets you give generously while still tapping into a number of tax benefits.
Your Generosity is Lily-Rose’s Superpower
You would never guess upon seeing Lily-Rose’s impish smile just how much this little girl has been through. After being diagnosed with a life-threatening malignant tumour, she is now recovering from seven rounds of chemotherapy and an operation that removed most of her liver. The remarkable procedure hinged on a piece of equipment that you made it possible for us to acquire. Today, as ambassadors for the Sainte-Justine Challenge, Lily-Rose and her family are encouraging you to dream even bigger for all children.
Giving Children a Healthy Future: The Most Generous of Legacies
For more than a century, Sainte-Justine has relied on the support of a dedicated community. — a community with a big heart and an even bigger commitment to the health of children and mothers-to-be. Robert Pichette is a proud member of this community. He decided to make a bequest to the Foundation to ensure that his support would continue beyond his lifetime.
Stories, portraits and testimonials: plunge into the heart of the reality of the families and members of the Sainte-Justine care staff.