Oncology research shifts into high gear thanks to Hyundai Canada
The CHU Sainte-Justine Foundation receives a donation of $1 million in support of pediatric oncology research and a better future for children living with cancer. Announced on March 12, the major donation comes from 226 Hyundai dealers across Canada, which have joined forces through the Hope on Wheels program to change the face of cancer.
A Race Against Time to Give Sanfilippo Patients a Future
In Prof. Alexey Pshezhetsky’s lab, relentless work on several fronts is bringing us closer to a therapy for Sanfilippo Syndrome—a rare but debilitating disease that gradually robs children of their physical and cognitive abilities before taking their lives far too soon.
The CHU Sainte-Justine Foundation’s 19th Annual Mois des Câlins Campaign Raises $460 000 for Mother and Child Health
The CHU Sainte-Justine Foundation is proud to be ending the 19th annual Mois des Câlins campaign on a high note, thanks to its enduring popularity across Quebec, combined with the unwavering commitment of campaign partners Rythme, Jean Coutu, and Clarins. The sale of 36 000 Clarins “Rose Câlins” Lip Perfectors, found exclusively at participating Jean Coutu branches across the province, raised $360,000 for the cause. To this amount, Jean Coutu generously contributed an additional $100,000.
Year 19 for Sainte-Justine’s Mois des Câlins
The CHU Sainte-Justine Foundation and its long-time partners, Rythme, Jean Coutu and Clarins, are pleased to announce the launch of the 19th annual Mois des Câlins campaign. As of today, the public can embrace the cause of children and mothers-to-be by purchasing one of 36,000 tubes of Clarins “Rose Câlins” Lip Perfector, available exclusively through close to 350 participating Jean Coutu stores in Quebec. For every unit sold at the retail price of $20, Jean Coutu and Clarins will together donate $10 to the CHU Sainte-Justine Foundation.